Source code for drf_yasg.inspectors.base

import inspect
import logging

from rest_framework import serializers

from .. import openapi
from ..utils import force_real_str, get_field_default, is_list_view

#: Sentinel value that inspectors must return to signal that they do not know how to handle an object
NotHandled = object()

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BaseInspector(object):
    def __init__(self, view, path, method, components, request):
        :param view: the view associated with this endpoint
        :param str path: the path component of the operation URL
        :param str method: the http method of the operation
        :param openapi.ReferenceResolver components: referenceable components
        :param Request request: the request made against the schema view; can be None
        self.view = view
        self.path = path
        self.method = method
        self.components = components
        self.request = request

[docs] def process_result(self, result, method_name, obj, **kwargs): """After an inspector handles an object (i.e. returns a value other than :data:`.NotHandled`), all inspectors that were probed get the chance to alter the result, in reverse order. The inspector that handled the object is the first to receive a ``process_result`` call with the object it just returned. This behaviour is similar to the Django request/response middleware processing. If this inspector has no post-processing to do, it should just ``return result`` (the default implementation). :param result: the return value of the winning inspector, or ``None`` if no inspector handled the object :param str method_name: name of the method that was called on the inspector :param obj: first argument passed to inspector method :param kwargs: additional arguments passed to inspector method :return: """ return result
[docs] def probe_inspectors(self, inspectors, method_name, obj, initkwargs=None, **kwargs): """Probe a list of inspectors with a given object. The first inspector in the list to return a value that is not :data:`.NotHandled` wins. :param list[type[BaseInspector]] inspectors: list of inspectors to probe :param str method_name: name of the target method on the inspector :param obj: first argument to inspector method :param dict initkwargs: extra kwargs for instantiating inspector class :param kwargs: additional arguments to inspector method :return: the return value of the winning inspector, or ``None`` if no inspector handled the object """ initkwargs = initkwargs or {} tried_inspectors = [] for inspector in inspectors: assert inspect.isclass(inspector), "inspector must be a class, not an object" assert issubclass(inspector, BaseInspector), "inspectors must subclass BaseInspector" inspector = inspector(self.view, self.path, self.method, self.components, self.request, **initkwargs) tried_inspectors.append(inspector) method = getattr(inspector, method_name, None) if method is None: continue result = method(obj, **kwargs) if result is not NotHandled: break else: # pragma: no cover logger.warning("%s ignored because no inspector in %s handled it (operation: %s)", obj, inspectors, method_name) result = None for inspector in reversed(tried_inspectors): result = inspector.process_result(result, method_name, obj, **kwargs) return result
class PaginatorInspector(BaseInspector): """Base inspector for paginators. Responisble for determining extra query parameters and response structure added by given paginators. """
[docs] def get_paginator_parameters(self, paginator): """Get the pagination parameters for a single paginator **instance**. Should return :data:`.NotHandled` if this inspector does not know how to handle the given `paginator`. :param BasePagination paginator: the paginator :rtype: list[openapi.Parameter] """ return NotHandled
[docs] def get_paginated_response(self, paginator, response_schema): """Add appropriate paging fields to a response :class:`.Schema`. Should return :data:`.NotHandled` if this inspector does not know how to handle the given `paginator`. :param BasePagination paginator: the paginator :param openapi.Schema response_schema: the response schema that must be paged. :rtype: openapi.Schema """ return NotHandled
class FilterInspector(BaseInspector): """Base inspector for filter backends. Responsible for determining extra query parameters added by given filter backends. """
[docs] def get_filter_parameters(self, filter_backend): """Get the filter parameters for a single filter backend **instance**. Should return :data:`.NotHandled` if this inspector does not know how to handle the given `filter_backend`. :param BaseFilterBackend filter_backend: the filter backend :rtype: list[openapi.Parameter] """ return NotHandled
class FieldInspector(BaseInspector): """Base inspector for serializers and serializer fields. """ def __init__(self, view, path, method, components, request, field_inspectors): super(FieldInspector, self).__init__(view, path, method, components, request) self.field_inspectors = field_inspectors
[docs] def add_manual_fields(self, serializer_or_field, schema): """Set fields from the ``swagger_schem_fields`` attribute on the Meta class. This method is called only for serializers or fields that are converted into ``openapi.Schema`` objects. :param serializer_or_field: serializer or field instance :param openapi.Schema schema: the schema object to be modified in-place """ meta = getattr(serializer_or_field, 'Meta', None) swagger_schema_fields = getattr(meta, 'swagger_schema_fields', {}) if swagger_schema_fields: for attr, val in swagger_schema_fields.items(): setattr(schema, attr, val)
[docs] def field_to_swagger_object(self, field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs): """Convert a drf Serializer or Field instance into a Swagger object. Should return :data:`.NotHandled` if this inspector does not know how to handle the given `field`. :param rest_framework.serializers.Field field: the source field :param type[openapi.SwaggerDict] swagger_object_type: should be one of Schema, Parameter, Items :param bool use_references: if False, forces all objects to be declared inline instead of by referencing other components :param kwargs: extra attributes for constructing the object; if swagger_object_type is Parameter, ``name`` and ``in_`` should be provided :return: the swagger object :rtype: openapi.Parameter,openapi.Items,openapi.Schema,openapi.SchemaRef """ return NotHandled
[docs] def probe_field_inspectors(self, field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs): """Helper method for recursively probing `field_inspectors` to handle a given field. All arguments are the same as :meth:`.field_to_swagger_object`. :rtype: openapi.Parameter,openapi.Items,openapi.Schema,openapi.SchemaRef """ return self.probe_inspectors( self.field_inspectors, 'field_to_swagger_object', field, {'field_inspectors': self.field_inspectors}, swagger_object_type=swagger_object_type, use_references=use_references, **kwargs )
[docs] def _get_partial_types(self, field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs): """Helper method to extract generic information from a field and return a partial constructor for the appropriate openapi object. All arguments are the same as :meth:`.field_to_swagger_object`. The return value is a tuple consisting of: * a function for constructing objects of `swagger_object_type`; its prototype is: :: def SwaggerType(existing_object=None, **instance_kwargs): This function creates an instance of `swagger_object_type`, passing the following attributes to its init, in order of precedence: - arguments specified by the ``kwargs`` parameter of :meth:`._get_partial_types` - ``instance_kwargs`` passed to the constructor function - ``title``, ``description``, ``required`` and ``default`` inferred from the field, where appropriate If ``existing_object`` is not ``None``, it is updated instead of creating a new object. * a type that should be used for child objects if `field` is of an array type. This can currently have two values: - :class:`.Schema` if `swagger_object_type` is :class:`.Schema` - :class:`.Items` if `swagger_object_type` is :class:`.Parameter` or :class:`.Items` :rtype: tuple[callable,(type[openapi.Schema],type[openapi.Items])] """ assert swagger_object_type in (openapi.Schema, openapi.Parameter, openapi.Items) assert not isinstance(field, openapi.SwaggerDict), "passed field is already a SwaggerDict object" title = force_real_str(field.label) if field.label else None title = title if swagger_object_type == openapi.Schema else None # only Schema has title description = force_real_str(field.help_text) if field.help_text else None description = description if swagger_object_type != openapi.Items else None # Items has no description either def SwaggerType(existing_object=None, **instance_kwargs): if 'required' not in instance_kwargs and swagger_object_type == openapi.Parameter: instance_kwargs['required'] = field.required if 'default' not in instance_kwargs and swagger_object_type != openapi.Items: default = get_field_default(field) if default not in (None, serializers.empty): instance_kwargs['default'] = default if instance_kwargs.get('type', None) != openapi.TYPE_ARRAY: instance_kwargs.setdefault('title', title) if description is not None: instance_kwargs.setdefault('description', description) instance_kwargs.update(kwargs) if existing_object is not None: assert isinstance(existing_object, swagger_object_type) for key, val in sorted(instance_kwargs.items()): setattr(existing_object, key, val) result = existing_object else: result = swagger_object_type(**instance_kwargs) # Provide an option to add manual paremeters to a schema # for example, to add examples if swagger_object_type == openapi.Schema: self.add_manual_fields(field, result) return result # arrays in Schema have Schema elements, arrays in Parameter and Items have Items elements child_swagger_type = openapi.Schema if swagger_object_type == openapi.Schema else openapi.Items return SwaggerType, child_swagger_type
class SerializerInspector(FieldInspector):
[docs] def get_schema(self, serializer): """Convert a DRF Serializer instance to an :class:`.openapi.Schema`. Should return :data:`.NotHandled` if this inspector does not know how to handle the given `serializer`. :param serializers.BaseSerializer serializer: the ``Serializer`` instance :rtype: openapi.Schema """ return NotHandled
[docs] def get_request_parameters(self, serializer, in_): """Convert a DRF serializer into a list of :class:`.Parameter`\\ s. Should return :data:`.NotHandled` if this inspector does not know how to handle the given `serializer`. :param serializers.BaseSerializer serializer: the ``Serializer`` instance :param str in_: the location of the parameters, one of the `openapi.IN_*` constants :rtype: list[openapi.Parameter] """ return NotHandled
class ViewInspector(BaseInspector): body_methods = ('PUT', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'DELETE') #: methods that are allowed to have a request body #: methods that are assumed to require a request body determined by the view's ``serializer_class`` implicit_body_methods = ('PUT', 'PATCH', 'POST') # real values set in __init__ to prevent import errors field_inspectors = [] #: filter_inspectors = [] #: paginator_inspectors = [] #: def __init__(self, view, path, method, components, request, overrides): """ Inspector class responsible for providing :class:`.Operation` definitions given a view, path and method. :param dict overrides: manual overrides as passed to :func:`@swagger_auto_schema <.swagger_auto_schema>` """ super(ViewInspector, self).__init__(view, path, method, components, request) self.overrides = overrides self._prepend_inspector_overrides('field_inspectors') self._prepend_inspector_overrides('filter_inspectors') self._prepend_inspector_overrides('paginator_inspectors')
[docs] def _prepend_inspector_overrides(self, inspectors): extra_inspectors = self.overrides.get(inspectors, None) if extra_inspectors: default_inspectors = [insp for insp in getattr(self, inspectors) if insp not in extra_inspectors] setattr(self, inspectors, extra_inspectors + default_inspectors)
[docs] def get_operation(self, operation_keys): """Get an :class:`.Operation` for the given API endpoint (path, method). This includes query, body parameters and response schemas. :param tuple[str] operation_keys: an array of keys describing the hierarchical layout of this view in the API; e.g. ``('snippets', 'list')``, ``('snippets', 'retrieve')``, etc. :rtype: openapi.Operation """ raise NotImplementedError("ViewInspector must implement get_operation()!")
# methods below provided as default implementations for probing inspectors
[docs] def should_filter(self): """Determine whether filter backend parameters should be included for this request. :rtype: bool """ if not getattr(self.view, 'filter_backends', None): return False if self.method.lower() not in ["get", "delete"]: return False return is_list_view(self.path, self.method, self.view)
[docs] def get_filter_parameters(self): """Return the parameters added to the view by its filter backends. :rtype: list[openapi.Parameter] """ if not self.should_filter(): return [] fields = [] for filter_backend in self.view.filter_backends: fields += self.probe_inspectors(self.filter_inspectors, 'get_filter_parameters', filter_backend()) or [] return fields
[docs] def should_page(self): """Determine whether paging parameters and structure should be added to this operation's request and response. :rtype: bool """ if not getattr(self.view, 'paginator', None): return False if self.method.lower() != 'get': return False return is_list_view(self.path, self.method, self.view)
[docs] def get_pagination_parameters(self): """Return the parameters added to the view by its paginator. :rtype: list[openapi.Parameter] """ if not self.should_page(): return [] return self.probe_inspectors(self.paginator_inspectors, 'get_paginator_parameters', self.view.paginator) or []
[docs] def serializer_to_schema(self, serializer): """Convert a serializer to an OpenAPI :class:`.Schema`. :param serializers.BaseSerializer serializer: the ``Serializer`` instance :returns: the converted :class:`.Schema`, or ``None`` in case of an unknown serializer :rtype: openapi.Schema,openapi.SchemaRef """ return self.probe_inspectors( self.field_inspectors, 'get_schema', serializer, {'field_inspectors': self.field_inspectors} )
[docs] def serializer_to_parameters(self, serializer, in_): """Convert a serializer to a possibly empty list of :class:`.Parameter`\\ s. :param serializers.BaseSerializer serializer: the ``Serializer`` instance :param str in_: the location of the parameters, one of the `openapi.IN_*` constants :rtype: list[openapi.Parameter] """ return self.probe_inspectors( self.field_inspectors, 'get_request_parameters', serializer, {'field_inspectors': self.field_inspectors}, in_=in_ ) or []
[docs] def get_paginated_response(self, response_schema): """Add appropriate paging fields to a response :class:`.Schema`. :param openapi.Schema response_schema: the response schema that must be paged. :returns: the paginated response class:`.Schema`, or ``None`` in case of an unknown pagination scheme :rtype: openapi.Schema """ return self.probe_inspectors(self.paginator_inspectors, 'get_paginated_response', self.view.paginator, response_schema=response_schema)