Source code for drf_yasg.inspectors.field

import datetime
import inspect
import logging
import operator
import uuid
from collections import OrderedDict
from decimal import Decimal

from django.core import validators
from django.db import models
from rest_framework import serializers
from rest_framework.settings import api_settings as rest_framework_settings

from .. import openapi
from ..errors import SwaggerGenerationError
from ..utils import (
    decimal_as_float, field_value_to_representation, filter_none, get_serializer_class, get_serializer_ref_name
from .base import FieldInspector, NotHandled, SerializerInspector, call_view_method

    import typing
except ImportError:
    typing = None

    from inspect import signature as inspect_signature
except ImportError:
    inspect_signature = None

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class InlineSerializerInspector(SerializerInspector):
    """Provides serializer conversions using :meth:`.FieldInspector.field_to_swagger_object`."""

    #: whether to output :class:`.Schema` definitions inline or into the ``definitions`` section
    use_definitions = False

[docs] def get_schema(self, serializer): return self.probe_field_inspectors(serializer, openapi.Schema, self.use_definitions)
[docs] def add_manual_parameters(self, serializer, parameters): """Add/replace parameters from the given list of automatically generated request parameters. This method is called only when the serializer is converted into a list of parameters for use in a form data request. :param serializer: serializer instance :param list[openapi.Parameter] parameters: genereated parameters :return: modified parameters :rtype: list[openapi.Parameter] """ return parameters
[docs] def get_request_parameters(self, serializer, in_): fields = getattr(serializer, 'fields', {}) parameters = [ self.probe_field_inspectors( value, openapi.Parameter, self.use_definitions, name=self.get_parameter_name(key), in_=in_ ) for key, value in fields.items() if not getattr(value, 'read_only', False) ] return self.add_manual_parameters(serializer, parameters)
[docs] def get_property_name(self, field_name): return field_name
[docs] def get_parameter_name(self, field_name): return field_name
[docs] def get_serializer_ref_name(self, serializer): return get_serializer_ref_name(serializer)
[docs] def _has_ref_name(self, serializer): serializer_meta = getattr(serializer, 'Meta', None) return hasattr(serializer_meta, 'ref_name')
[docs] def field_to_swagger_object(self, field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs): SwaggerType, ChildSwaggerType = self._get_partial_types(field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs) if isinstance(field, (serializers.ListSerializer, serializers.ListField)): child_schema = self.probe_field_inspectors(field.child, ChildSwaggerType, use_references) limits = find_limits(field) or {} return SwaggerType( type=openapi.TYPE_ARRAY, items=child_schema, **limits ) elif isinstance(field, serializers.Serializer): if swagger_object_type != openapi.Schema: raise SwaggerGenerationError("cannot instantiate nested serializer as " + swagger_object_type.__name__) ref_name = self.get_serializer_ref_name(field) def make_schema_definition(serializer=field): properties = OrderedDict() required = [] for property_name, child in serializer.fields.items(): property_name = self.get_property_name(property_name) prop_kwargs = { 'read_only': bool(child.read_only) or None } prop_kwargs = filter_none(prop_kwargs) child_schema = self.probe_field_inspectors( child, ChildSwaggerType, use_references, **prop_kwargs ) properties[property_name] = child_schema if child.required and not getattr(child_schema, 'read_only', False): required.append(property_name) result = SwaggerType( type=openapi.TYPE_OBJECT, properties=properties, required=required or None, ) if not ref_name and 'title' in result: # on an inline model, the title is derived from the field name # but is visno coverually displayed like the model name, which is confusing # it is better to just remove title from inline models del result.title setattr(result, '_NP_serializer', get_serializer_class(serializer)) return result if not ref_name or not use_references: return make_schema_definition() definitions = self.components.with_scope(openapi.SCHEMA_DEFINITIONS) actual_schema = definitions.setdefault(ref_name, make_schema_definition) actual_schema._remove_read_only() actual_serializer = getattr(actual_schema, '_NP_serializer', None) this_serializer = get_serializer_class(field) if actual_serializer and actual_serializer != this_serializer: # pragma: no cover explicit_refs = self._has_ref_name(actual_serializer) and self._has_ref_name(this_serializer) if not explicit_refs: raise SwaggerGenerationError( "Schema for %s would override distinct serializer %s because they implicitly share the same " "ref_name; explicitly set the ref_name atribute on both serializers' Meta classes" % (actual_serializer, this_serializer)) return openapi.SchemaRef(definitions, ref_name) return NotHandled
class ReferencingSerializerInspector(InlineSerializerInspector): use_definitions = True def get_queryset_field(queryset, field_name): """Try to get information about a model and model field from a queryset. :param queryset: the queryset :param field_name: target field name :returns: the model and target field from the queryset as a 2-tuple; both elements can be ``None`` :rtype: tuple """ model = getattr(queryset, 'model', None) model_field = get_model_field(model, field_name) return model, model_field def get_model_field(model, field_name): """Try to get the given field from a django db model. :param model: the model :param field_name: target field name :return: model field or ``None`` """ try: if field_name == 'pk': return else: return model._meta.get_field(field_name) except Exception: # pragma: no cover return None def get_queryset_from_view(view, serializer=None): """Try to get the queryset of the given view :param view: the view instance or class :param serializer: if given, will check that the view's get_serializer_class return matches this serialzier :return: queryset or ``None`` """ try: queryset = call_view_method(view, 'get_queryset', 'queryset') if queryset is not None and serializer is not None: # make sure the view is actually using *this* serializer assert type(serializer) == call_view_method(view, 'get_serializer_class', 'serializer_class') return queryset except Exception: # pragma: no cover return None def get_parent_serializer(field): """Get the nearest parent ``Serializer`` instance for the given field. :return: ``Serializer`` or ``None`` """ while field is not None: if isinstance(field, serializers.Serializer): return field field = field.parent return None # pragma: no cover def get_related_model(model, source): """Try to find the other side of a model relationship given the name of a related field. :param model: one side of the relationship :param str source: related field name :return: related model or ``None`` """ try: descriptor = getattr(model, source) try: return descriptor.rel.related_model except Exception: return descriptor.field.remote_field.model except Exception: # pragma: no cover return None class RelatedFieldInspector(FieldInspector): """Provides conversions for ``RelatedField``\\ s."""
[docs] def field_to_swagger_object(self, field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs): SwaggerType, ChildSwaggerType = self._get_partial_types(field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs) if isinstance(field, serializers.ManyRelatedField): child_schema = self.probe_field_inspectors(field.child_relation, ChildSwaggerType, use_references) return SwaggerType( type=openapi.TYPE_ARRAY, items=child_schema, unique_items=True, ) if not isinstance(field, serializers.RelatedField): return NotHandled field_queryset = getattr(field, 'queryset', None) if isinstance(field, (serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField, serializers.SlugRelatedField)): if getattr(field, 'pk_field', ''): # a PrimaryKeyRelatedField can have a `pk_field` attribute which is a # serializer field that will convert the PK value result = self.probe_field_inspectors(field.pk_field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs) # take the type, format, etc from `pk_field`, and the field-level information # like title, description, default from the PrimaryKeyRelatedField return SwaggerType(existing_object=result) target_field = getattr(field, 'slug_field', 'pk') if field_queryset is not None: # if the RelatedField has a queryset, try to get the related model field from there model, model_field = get_queryset_field(field_queryset, target_field) else: # if the RelatedField has no queryset (e.g. read only), try to find the target model # from the view queryset or ModelSerializer model, if present parent_serializer = get_parent_serializer(field) serializer_meta = getattr(parent_serializer, 'Meta', None) this_model = getattr(serializer_meta, 'model', None) if not this_model: view_queryset = get_queryset_from_view(self.view, parent_serializer) this_model = getattr(view_queryset, 'model', None) source = getattr(field, 'source', '') or field.field_name if not source and isinstance(field.parent, serializers.ManyRelatedField): source = field.parent.field_name model = get_related_model(this_model, source) model_field = get_model_field(model, target_field) attrs = get_basic_type_info(model_field) or {'type': openapi.TYPE_STRING} return SwaggerType(**attrs) elif isinstance(field, serializers.HyperlinkedRelatedField): return SwaggerType(type=openapi.TYPE_STRING, format=openapi.FORMAT_URI) return SwaggerType(type=openapi.TYPE_STRING)
def find_regex(regex_field): """Given a ``Field``, look for a ``RegexValidator`` and try to extract its pattern and return it as a string. :param serializers.Field regex_field: the field instance :return: the extracted pattern, or ``None`` :rtype: str """ regex_validator = None for validator in regex_field.validators: if isinstance(validator, validators.RegexValidator): if isinstance(validator, validators.URLValidator) or validator == validators.validate_ipv4_address: # skip the default url and IP regexes because they are complex and unhelpful # validate_ipv4_address is a RegexValidator instance in Django 1.11 continue if regex_validator is not None: # bail if multiple validators are found - no obvious way to choose return None # pragma: no cover regex_validator = validator # regex_validator.regex should be a compiled re object... try: pattern = getattr(getattr(regex_validator, 'regex', None), 'pattern', None) except Exception: # pragma: no cover logger.warning('failed to compile regex validator of ' + str(regex_field), exc_info=True) return None if pattern: # attempt some basic cleanup to remove regex constructs not supported by JavaScript # -- swagger uses javascript-style regexes - see if pattern.endswith('\\Z') or pattern.endswith('\\z'): pattern = pattern[:-2] + '$' return pattern numeric_fields = (serializers.IntegerField, serializers.FloatField, serializers.DecimalField) limit_validators = [ # minimum and maximum apply to numbers (validators.MinValueValidator, numeric_fields, 'minimum', operator.__gt__), (validators.MaxValueValidator, numeric_fields, 'maximum', operator.__lt__), # minLength and maxLength apply to strings (validators.MinLengthValidator, serializers.CharField, 'min_length', operator.__gt__), (validators.MaxLengthValidator, serializers.CharField, 'max_length', operator.__lt__), # minItems and maxItems apply to lists (validators.MinLengthValidator, (serializers.ListField, serializers.ListSerializer), 'min_items', operator.__gt__), (validators.MaxLengthValidator, (serializers.ListField, serializers.ListSerializer), 'max_items', operator.__lt__), ] def find_limits(field): """Given a ``Field``, look for min/max value/length validators and return appropriate limit validation attributes. :param serializers.Field field: the field instance :return: the extracted limits :rtype: OrderedDict """ limits = {} applicable_limits = [ (validator, attr, improves) for validator, field_class, attr, improves in limit_validators if isinstance(field, field_class) ] if isinstance(field, serializers.DecimalField) and not decimal_as_float(field): return limits for validator in field.validators: if not hasattr(validator, 'limit_value'): continue limit_value = validator.limit_value if isinstance(limit_value, Decimal) and decimal_as_float(field): limit_value = float(limit_value) for validator_class, attr, improves in applicable_limits: if isinstance(validator, validator_class): if attr not in limits or improves(limit_value, limits[attr]): limits[attr] = limit_value if hasattr(field, "allow_blank") and not field.allow_blank: if limits.get('min_length', 0) < 1: limits['min_length'] = 1 return OrderedDict(sorted(limits.items())) def decimal_field_type(field): return openapi.TYPE_NUMBER if decimal_as_float(field) else openapi.TYPE_STRING model_field_to_basic_type = [ (models.AutoField, (openapi.TYPE_INTEGER, None)), (models.BinaryField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_BINARY)), (models.BooleanField, (openapi.TYPE_BOOLEAN, None)), (models.NullBooleanField, (openapi.TYPE_BOOLEAN, None)), (models.DateTimeField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_DATETIME)), (models.DateField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_DATE)), (models.DecimalField, (decimal_field_type, openapi.FORMAT_DECIMAL)), (models.DurationField, (openapi.TYPE_INTEGER, None)), (models.FloatField, (openapi.TYPE_NUMBER, None)), (models.IntegerField, (openapi.TYPE_INTEGER, None)), (models.IPAddressField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_IPV4)), (models.GenericIPAddressField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_IPV6)), (models.SlugField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_SLUG)), (models.TextField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, None)), (models.TimeField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, None)), (models.UUIDField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_UUID)), (models.CharField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, None)), ] ip_format = {'ipv4': openapi.FORMAT_IPV4, 'ipv6': openapi.FORMAT_IPV6} serializer_field_to_basic_type = [ (serializers.EmailField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_EMAIL)), (serializers.SlugField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_SLUG)), (serializers.URLField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_URI)), (serializers.IPAddressField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, lambda field: ip_format.get(field.protocol, None))), (serializers.UUIDField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_UUID)), (serializers.RegexField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, None)), (serializers.CharField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, None)), (serializers.BooleanField, (openapi.TYPE_BOOLEAN, None)), (serializers.NullBooleanField, (openapi.TYPE_BOOLEAN, None)), (serializers.IntegerField, (openapi.TYPE_INTEGER, None)), (serializers.FloatField, (openapi.TYPE_NUMBER, None)), (serializers.DecimalField, (decimal_field_type, openapi.FORMAT_DECIMAL)), (serializers.DurationField, (openapi.TYPE_NUMBER, None)), # ? (serializers.DateField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_DATE)), (serializers.DateTimeField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_DATETIME)), (serializers.ModelField, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, None)), ] basic_type_info = serializer_field_to_basic_type + model_field_to_basic_type def get_basic_type_info(field): """Given a serializer or model ``Field``, return its basic type information - ``type``, ``format``, ``pattern``, and any applicable min/max limit values. :param field: the field instance :return: the extracted attributes as a dictionary, or ``None`` if the field type is not known :rtype: OrderedDict """ if field is None: return None for field_class, type_format in basic_type_info: if isinstance(field, field_class): swagger_type, format = type_format if callable(swagger_type): swagger_type = swagger_type(field) if callable(format): format = format(field) break else: # pragma: no cover return None pattern = None if swagger_type == openapi.TYPE_STRING: pattern = find_regex(field) limits = find_limits(field) result = OrderedDict([ ('type', swagger_type), ('format', format), ('pattern', pattern) ]) result.update(limits) result = filter_none(result) return result def decimal_return_type(): return openapi.TYPE_STRING if rest_framework_settings.COERCE_DECIMAL_TO_STRING else openapi.TYPE_NUMBER def get_origin_type(hint_class): return getattr(hint_class, '__origin__', None) or hint_class def hint_class_issubclass(hint_class, check_class): origin_type = get_origin_type(hint_class) return inspect.isclass(origin_type) and issubclass(origin_type, check_class) hinting_type_info = [ (bool, (openapi.TYPE_BOOLEAN, None)), (int, (openapi.TYPE_INTEGER, None)), (str, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, None)), (float, (openapi.TYPE_NUMBER, None)), (dict, (openapi.TYPE_OBJECT, None)), (Decimal, (decimal_return_type, openapi.FORMAT_DECIMAL)), (uuid.UUID, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_UUID)), (datetime.datetime, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_DATETIME)), (, (openapi.TYPE_STRING, openapi.FORMAT_DATE)), ] if typing: def inspect_collection_hint_class(hint_class): args = hint_class.__args__ child_class = args[0] if args else str child_type_info = get_basic_type_info_from_hint(child_class) or {'type': openapi.TYPE_STRING} return OrderedDict([ ('type', openapi.TYPE_ARRAY), ('items', openapi.Items(**child_type_info)), ]) hinting_type_info.append(((typing.Sequence, typing.AbstractSet), inspect_collection_hint_class)) def _get_union_types(hint_class): if typing: origin_type = get_origin_type(hint_class) if origin_type is typing.Union: return hint_class.__args__ try: # python 3.5.2 and lower compatibility if issubclass(origin_type, typing.Union): return hint_class.__union_params__ except TypeError: pass return None def get_basic_type_info_from_hint(hint_class): """Given a class (eg from a SerializerMethodField's return type hint, return its basic type information - ``type``, ``format``, ``pattern``, and any applicable min/max limit values. :param hint_class: the class :return: the extracted attributes as a dictionary, or ``None`` if the field type is not known :rtype: OrderedDict """ union_types = _get_union_types(hint_class) if typing and union_types: # Optional is implemented as Union[T, None] if len(union_types) == 2 and isinstance(None, union_types[1]): result = get_basic_type_info_from_hint(union_types[0]) result['x-nullable'] = True return result return None for check_class, info in hinting_type_info: if hint_class_issubclass(hint_class, check_class): if callable(info): return info(hint_class) swagger_type, format = info if callable(swagger_type): swagger_type = swagger_type() return OrderedDict([ ('type', swagger_type), ('format', format), ]) return None class SerializerMethodFieldInspector(FieldInspector): """Provides conversion for SerializerMethodField, optionally using information from the swagger_serializer_method decorator. """
[docs] def field_to_swagger_object(self, field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs): if not isinstance(field, serializers.SerializerMethodField): return NotHandled method = getattr(field.parent, field.method_name) if method is None: return NotHandled # attribute added by the swagger_serializer_method decorator serializer = getattr(method, "_swagger_serializer", None) if serializer: # in order of preference for description, use: # 1) field.help_text from SerializerMethodField(help_text) # 2) serializer.help_text from swagger_serializer_method(serializer) # 3) method's docstring description = field.help_text if description is None: description = getattr(serializer, 'help_text', None) if description is None: description = method.__doc__ label = field.label if label is None: label = getattr(serializer, 'label', None) if inspect.isclass(serializer): serializer_kwargs = { "help_text": description, "label": label, "read_only": True, } serializer = method._swagger_serializer(**serializer_kwargs) else: serializer.help_text = description serializer.label = label serializer.read_only = True return self.probe_field_inspectors(serializer, swagger_object_type, use_references, read_only=True) elif typing and inspect_signature: # look for Python 3.5+ style type hinting of the return value hint_class = inspect_signature(method).return_annotation if not inspect.isclass(hint_class) and hasattr(hint_class, '__args__'): hint_class = hint_class.__args__[0] if inspect.isclass(hint_class) and not issubclass(hint_class, inspect._empty): type_info = get_basic_type_info_from_hint(hint_class) if type_info is not None: SwaggerType, ChildSwaggerType = self._get_partial_types(field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs) return SwaggerType(**type_info) return NotHandled
class SimpleFieldInspector(FieldInspector): """Provides conversions for fields which can be described using just ``type``, ``format``, ``pattern`` and min/max validators. """
[docs] def field_to_swagger_object(self, field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs): type_info = get_basic_type_info(field) if type_info is None: return NotHandled SwaggerType, ChildSwaggerType = self._get_partial_types(field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs) return SwaggerType(**type_info)
class ChoiceFieldInspector(FieldInspector): """Provides conversions for ``ChoiceField`` and ``MultipleChoiceField``."""
[docs] def field_to_swagger_object(self, field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs): SwaggerType, ChildSwaggerType = self._get_partial_types(field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs) if isinstance(field, serializers.ChoiceField): enum_type = openapi.TYPE_STRING enum_values = [] for choice in field.choices.keys(): if isinstance(field, serializers.MultipleChoiceField): choice = field_value_to_representation(field, [choice])[0] else: choice = field_value_to_representation(field, choice) enum_values.append(choice) # for ModelSerializer, try to infer the type from the associated model field serializer = get_parent_serializer(field) if isinstance(serializer, serializers.ModelSerializer): model = getattr(getattr(serializer, 'Meta'), 'model') model_field = get_model_field(model, field.source) if model_field: model_type = get_basic_type_info(model_field) if model_type: enum_type = model_type.get('type', enum_type) else: # Try to infer field type based on enum values enum_value_types = {type(v) for v in enum_values} if len(enum_value_types) == 1: values_type = get_basic_type_info_from_hint(next(iter(enum_value_types))) if values_type: enum_type = values_type.get('type', enum_type) if isinstance(field, serializers.MultipleChoiceField): result = SwaggerType( type=openapi.TYPE_ARRAY, items=ChildSwaggerType( type=enum_type, enum=enum_values ) ) if swagger_object_type == openapi.Parameter: if result['in'] in (openapi.IN_FORM, openapi.IN_QUERY): result.collection_format = 'multi' else: result = SwaggerType(type=enum_type, enum=enum_values) return result return NotHandled
class FileFieldInspector(FieldInspector): """Provides conversions for ``FileField``\\ s."""
[docs] def field_to_swagger_object(self, field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs): SwaggerType, ChildSwaggerType = self._get_partial_types(field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs) if isinstance(field, serializers.FileField): # swagger 2.0 does not support specifics about file fields, so ImageFile gets no special treatment # OpenAPI 3.0 does support it, so a future implementation could handle this better err = SwaggerGenerationError("FileField is supported only in a formData Parameter or response Schema") if swagger_object_type == openapi.Schema: # FileField.to_representation returns URL or file name result = SwaggerType(type=openapi.TYPE_STRING, read_only=True) if getattr(field, 'use_url', rest_framework_settings.UPLOADED_FILES_USE_URL): result.format = openapi.FORMAT_URI return result elif swagger_object_type == openapi.Parameter: param = SwaggerType(type=openapi.TYPE_FILE) if param['in'] != openapi.IN_FORM: raise err # pragma: no cover return param else: raise err # pragma: no cover return NotHandled
class DictFieldInspector(FieldInspector): """Provides conversion for ``DictField``."""
[docs] def field_to_swagger_object(self, field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs): SwaggerType, ChildSwaggerType = self._get_partial_types(field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs) if isinstance(field, serializers.DictField) and swagger_object_type == openapi.Schema: child_schema = self.probe_field_inspectors(field.child, ChildSwaggerType, use_references) return SwaggerType( type=openapi.TYPE_OBJECT, additional_properties=child_schema ) return NotHandled
class HiddenFieldInspector(FieldInspector): """Hide ``HiddenField``."""
[docs] def field_to_swagger_object(self, field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs): if isinstance(field, serializers.HiddenField): return None return NotHandled
class StringDefaultFieldInspector(FieldInspector): """For otherwise unhandled fields, return them as plain :data:`.TYPE_STRING` objects."""
[docs] def field_to_swagger_object(self, field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover # TODO unhandled fields: TimeField JSONField SwaggerType, ChildSwaggerType = self._get_partial_types(field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs) return SwaggerType(type=openapi.TYPE_STRING)
try: from djangorestframework_camel_case.parser import CamelCaseJSONParser from djangorestframework_camel_case.render import CamelCaseJSONRenderer from djangorestframework_camel_case.render import camelize except ImportError: # pragma: no cover CamelCaseJSONParser = CamelCaseJSONRenderer = None def camelize(data): return data class CamelCaseJSONFilter(FieldInspector): """Converts property names to camelCase if ``djangorestframework_camel_case`` is used."""
[docs] def camelize_string(self, s): """Hack to force ``djangorestframework_camel_case`` to camelize a plain string. :param str s: the string :return: camelized string :rtype: str """ return next(iter(camelize({s: ''})))
[docs] def camelize_schema(self, schema): """Recursively camelize property names for the given schema using ``djangorestframework_camel_case``. The target schema object must be modified in-place. :param openapi.Schema schema: the :class:`.Schema` object """ if getattr(schema, 'properties', {}): = OrderedDict( (self.camelize_string(key), self.camelize_schema(openapi.resolve_ref(val, self.components)) or val) for key, val in ) if getattr(schema, 'required', []): schema.required = [self.camelize_string(p) for p in schema.required]
[docs] def process_result(self, result, method_name, obj, **kwargs): if isinstance(result, openapi.Schema.OR_REF) and self.is_camel_case(): schema = openapi.resolve_ref(result, self.components) self.camelize_schema(schema) return result
if CamelCaseJSONParser and CamelCaseJSONRenderer: def is_camel_case(self): return ( any(issubclass(parser, CamelCaseJSONParser) for parser in self.get_parser_classes()) or any(issubclass(renderer, CamelCaseJSONRenderer) for renderer in self.get_renderer_classes()) ) else:
[docs] def is_camel_case(self): return False
try: from rest_framework_recursive.fields import RecursiveField except ImportError: # pragma: no cover class RecursiveFieldInspector(FieldInspector): """Provides conversion for RecursiveField (""" pass else: class RecursiveFieldInspector(FieldInspector): """Provides conversion for RecursiveField (""" def field_to_swagger_object(self, field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs): if isinstance(field, RecursiveField) and swagger_object_type == openapi.Schema: assert use_references is True, "Can not create schema for RecursiveField when use_references is False" proxied = field.proxied if isinstance(field.proxied, serializers.ListSerializer): proxied = proxied.child ref_name = get_serializer_ref_name(proxied) assert ref_name is not None, "Can't create RecursiveField schema for inline " + str(type(proxied)) definitions = self.components.with_scope(openapi.SCHEMA_DEFINITIONS) ref = openapi.SchemaRef(definitions, ref_name, ignore_unresolved=True) if isinstance(field.proxied, serializers.ListSerializer): ref = openapi.Items(type=openapi.TYPE_ARRAY, items=ref) return ref return NotHandled