Source code for drf_yasg.openapi

import re
from collections import OrderedDict

from coreapi.compat import urlparse
from django.urls import get_script_prefix
from inflection import camelize

from .utils import filter_none

TYPE_OBJECT = "object"  #:
TYPE_STRING = "string"  #:
TYPE_NUMBER = "number"  #:
TYPE_INTEGER = "integer"  #:
TYPE_BOOLEAN = "boolean"  #:
TYPE_ARRAY = "array"  #:
TYPE_FILE = "file"  #:

# officially supported by Swagger 2.0 spec
FORMAT_DATE = "date"  #:
FORMAT_DATETIME = "date-time"  #:
FORMAT_PASSWORD = "password"  #:
FORMAT_BINARY = "binary"  #:
FORMAT_BASE64 = "bytes"  #:
FORMAT_FLOAT = "float"  #:
FORMAT_DOUBLE = "double"  #:
FORMAT_INT32 = "int32"  #:
FORMAT_INT64 = "int64"  #:

# defined in JSON-schema
FORMAT_EMAIL = "email"  #:
FORMAT_IPV4 = "ipv4"  #:
FORMAT_IPV6 = "ipv6"  #:
FORMAT_URI = "uri"  #:

# pulled out of my ass
FORMAT_UUID = "uuid"  #:
FORMAT_SLUG = "slug"  #:
FORMAT_DECIMAL = "decimal"

IN_BODY = 'body'  #:
IN_PATH = 'path'  #:
IN_QUERY = 'query'  #:
IN_FORM = 'formData'  #:
IN_HEADER = 'header'  #:

SCHEMA_DEFINITIONS = 'definitions'  #:

[docs]def make_swagger_name(attribute_name): """ Convert a python variable name into a Swagger spec attribute name. In particular, * if name starts with ``x_``, return ``x-{camelCase}`` * if name is ``ref``, return ``$ref`` * else return the name converted to camelCase, with trailing underscores stripped :param str attribute_name: python attribute name :return: swagger name """ if attribute_name == 'ref': return "$ref" if attribute_name.startswith("x_"): return "x-" + camelize(attribute_name[2:], uppercase_first_letter=False) return camelize(attribute_name.rstrip('_'), uppercase_first_letter=False)
def _bare_SwaggerDict(cls): assert issubclass(cls, SwaggerDict) result = cls.__new__(cls) OrderedDict.__init__(result) # no __init__ called for SwaggerDict subclasses! return result
[docs]class SwaggerDict(OrderedDict): """A particular type of OrderedDict, which maps all attribute accesses to dict lookups using :func:`.make_swagger_name`. Attribute names starting with ``_`` are set on the object as-is and are not included in the specification output. Used as a base class for all Swagger helper models. """ def __init__(self, **attrs): super(SwaggerDict, self).__init__() self._extras__ = attrs if type(self) == SwaggerDict: self._insert_extras__() def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key.startswith('_'): super(SwaggerDict, self).__setattr__(key, value) return if value is not None: self[make_swagger_name(key)] = value def __getattr__(self, item): if item.startswith('_'): raise AttributeError try: return self[make_swagger_name(item)] except KeyError: # raise_from is EXTREMELY slow, replaced with plain raise raise AttributeError("object of class " + type(self).__name__ + " has no attribute " + item) def __delattr__(self, item): if item.startswith('_'): super(SwaggerDict, self).__delattr__(item) return del self[make_swagger_name(item)]
[docs] def _insert_extras__(self): """ From an ordering perspective, it is desired that extra attributes such as vendor extensions stay at the bottom of the object. However, python2.7's OrderdDict craps out if you try to insert into it before calling init. This means that subclasses must call super().__init__ as the first statement of their own __init__, which would result in the extra attributes being added first. For this reason, we defer the insertion of the attributes and require that subclasses call ._insert_extras__ at the end of their __init__ method. """ for attr, val in self._extras__.items(): setattr(self, attr, val)
[docs] @staticmethod def _as_odict(obj, memo): """Implementation detail of :meth:`.as_odict`""" if id(obj) in memo: return memo[id(obj)] if isinstance(obj, dict): result = OrderedDict() memo[id(obj)] = result for attr, val in obj.items(): result[attr] = SwaggerDict._as_odict(val, memo) return result elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return type(obj)(SwaggerDict._as_odict(elem, memo) for elem in obj) return obj
[docs] def as_odict(self): """Convert this object into an ``OrderedDict`` instance. :rtype: OrderedDict """ return SwaggerDict._as_odict(self, {})
def __reduce__(self): # for pickle supprt; this skips calls to all SwaggerDict __init__ methods and relies # on the already set attributes instead return _bare_SwaggerDict, (type(self),), vars(self), None, iter(self.items())
[docs]class Contact(SwaggerDict): def __init__(self, name=None, url=None, email=None, **extra): """Swagger Contact object At least one of the following fields is required: :param str name: contact name :param str url: contact url :param str email: contact e-mail """ super(Contact, self).__init__(**extra) if name is None and url is None and email is None: raise AssertionError("one of name, url or email is requires for Swagger Contact object") = name self.url = url = email self._insert_extras__()
[docs]class License(SwaggerDict): def __init__(self, name, url=None, **extra): """Swagger License object :param str name: Required. License name :param str url: link to detailed license information """ super(License, self).__init__(**extra) if name is None: raise AssertionError("name is required for Swagger License object") = name self.url = url self._insert_extras__()
[docs]class Info(SwaggerDict): def __init__(self, title, default_version, description=None, terms_of_service=None, contact=None, license=None, **extra): """Swagger Info object :param str title: Required. API title. :param str default_version: Required. API version string (not to be confused with Swagger spec version) :param str description: API description; markdown supported :param str terms_of_service: API terms of service; should be a URL :param Contact contact: contact object :param License license: license object """ super(Info, self).__init__(**extra) if title is None or default_version is None: raise AssertionError("title and version are required for Swagger info object") if contact is not None and not isinstance(contact, Contact): raise AssertionError("contact must be a Contact object") if license is not None and not isinstance(license, License): raise AssertionError("license must be a License object") self.title = title self._default_version = default_version self.description = description self.terms_of_service = terms_of_service = contact self.license = license self._insert_extras__()
[docs]class Swagger(SwaggerDict): def __init__(self, info=None, _url=None, _prefix=None, _version=None, consumes=None, produces=None, security_definitions=None, security=None, paths=None, definitions=None, **extra): """Root Swagger object. :param .Info info: info object :param str _url: URL used for setting the API host and scheme :param str _prefix: api path prefix to use in setting basePath; this will be appended to the wsgi SCRIPT_NAME prefix or Django's FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME if applicable :param str _version: version string to override Info :param list[dict] security_definitions: list of supported authentication mechanisms :param list[dict] security: authentication mechanisms accepted by default; can be overriden in Operation :param list[str] consumes: consumed MIME types; can be overriden in Operation :param list[str] produces: produced MIME types; can be overriden in Operation :param .Paths paths: paths object :param dict[str,.Schema] definitions: named models """ super(Swagger, self).__init__(**extra) self.swagger = '2.0' = info = _version or info._default_version if _url: url = urlparse.urlparse(_url) assert url.netloc and url.scheme, "if given, url must have both schema and netloc" = url.netloc self.schemes = [url.scheme] self.base_path = self.get_base_path(get_script_prefix(), _prefix) self.consumes = consumes self.produces = produces self.security_definitions = filter_none(security_definitions) = filter_none(security) self.paths = paths self.definitions = filter_none(definitions) self._insert_extras__()
[docs] @classmethod def get_base_path(cls, script_prefix, api_prefix): """Determine an appropriate value for ``basePath`` based on the SCRIPT_NAME and the api common prefix. :param str script_prefix: script prefix as defined by django ``get_script_prefix`` :param str api_prefix: api common prefix :return: joined base path """ # avoid double slash when joining script_name with api_prefix if script_prefix and script_prefix.endswith('/'): script_prefix = script_prefix[:-1] if not api_prefix.startswith('/'): api_prefix = '/' + api_prefix base_path = script_prefix + api_prefix # ensure that the base path has a leading slash and no trailing slash if base_path and base_path.endswith('/'): base_path = base_path[:-1] if not base_path.startswith('/'): base_path = '/' + base_path return base_path
[docs]class Paths(SwaggerDict): def __init__(self, paths, **extra): """A listing of all the paths in the API. :param dict[str,.PathItem] paths: """ super(Paths, self).__init__(**extra) for path, path_obj in paths.items(): assert path.startswith("/") if path_obj is not None: # pragma: no cover self[path] = path_obj self._insert_extras__()
[docs]class PathItem(SwaggerDict): def __init__(self, get=None, put=None, post=None, delete=None, options=None, head=None, patch=None, parameters=None, **extra): """Information about a single path :param .Operation get: operation for GET :param .Operation put: operation for PUT :param .Operation post: operation for POST :param .Operation delete: operation for DELETE :param .Operation options: operation for OPTIONS :param .Operation head: operation for HEAD :param .Operation patch: operation for PATCH :param list[.Parameter] parameters: parameters that apply to all operations """ super(PathItem, self).__init__(**extra) self.get = get self.head = head = post self.put = put self.patch = patch self.delete = delete self.options = options self.parameters = filter_none(parameters) self._insert_extras__()
[docs]class Operation(SwaggerDict): def __init__(self, operation_id, responses, parameters=None, consumes=None, produces=None, summary=None, description=None, tags=None, security=None, **extra): """Information about an API operation (path + http method combination) :param str operation_id: operation ID, should be unique across all operations :param .Responses responses: responses returned :param list[.Parameter] parameters: parameters accepted :param list[str] consumes: content types accepted :param list[str] produces: content types produced :param str summary: operation summary; should be < 120 characters :param str description: operation description; can be of any length and supports markdown :param list[str] tags: operation tags :param list[dict[str,list[str]]] security: list of security requirements """ super(Operation, self).__init__(**extra) self.operation_id = operation_id self.summary = summary self.description = description self.parameters = filter_none(parameters) self.responses = responses self.consumes = filter_none(consumes) self.produces = filter_none(produces) self.tags = filter_none(tags) = filter_none(security) self._insert_extras__()
[docs]class Items(SwaggerDict): def __init__(self, type=None, format=None, enum=None, pattern=None, items=None, **extra): """Used when defining an array :class:`.Parameter` to describe the array elements. :param str type: type of the array elements; must not be ``object`` :param str format: value format, see OpenAPI spec :param list enum: restrict possible values :param str pattern: pattern if type is ``string`` :param .Items items: only valid if `type` is ``array`` """ super(Items, self).__init__(**extra) assert type is not None, "type is required!" self.type = type self.format = format self.enum = enum self.pattern = pattern self.items = items self._insert_extras__() if items and type != TYPE_ARRAY: raise AssertionError("items can only be used when type is array") if pattern and type != TYPE_STRING: raise AssertionError("pattern can only be used when type is string")
[docs]class Parameter(SwaggerDict): def __init__(self, name, in_, description=None, required=None, schema=None, type=None, format=None, enum=None, pattern=None, items=None, default=None, **extra): """Describe parameters accepted by an :class:`.Operation`. Each parameter should be a unique combination of (`name`, `in_`). ``body`` and ``form`` parameters in the same operation are mutually exclusive. :param str name: parameter name :param str in_: parameter location :param str description: parameter description :param bool required: whether the parameter is required for the operation :param .Schema,.SchemaRef schema: required if `in_` is ``body`` :param str type: parameter type; required if `in_` is not ``body``; must not be ``object`` :param str format: value format, see OpenAPI spec :param list enum: restrict possible values :param str pattern: pattern if type is ``string`` :param .Items items: only valid if `type` is ``array`` :param default: default value if the parameter is not provided; must conform to parameter type """ super(Parameter, self).__init__(**extra) if (not schema and not type) or (schema and type): raise AssertionError("either schema or type are required for Parameter object!") = name self.in_ = in_ self.description = description self.required = required self.schema = schema self.type = type self.format = format self.enum = enum self.pattern = pattern self.items = items self.default = default self._insert_extras__() if self['in'] == IN_PATH: # path parameters must always be required assert required is not False, "path parameter cannot be optional" self.required = True if self['in'] != IN_BODY and schema is not None: raise AssertionError("schema can only be applied to a body Parameter, not %s" % type) if (format or enum or pattern or default) and not type: raise AssertionError("[format, enum, pattern, default] can only be applied to non-body Parameter") if items and type != TYPE_ARRAY: raise AssertionError("items can only be used when type is array") if pattern and type != TYPE_STRING: raise AssertionError("pattern can only be used when type is string")
[docs]class Schema(SwaggerDict): OR_REF = () #: useful for type-checking, e.g ``isinstance(obj, openapi.Schema.OR_REF)`` def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, type=None, format=None, enum=None, pattern=None, properties=None, additional_properties=None, required=None, items=None, default=None, read_only=None, **extra): """Describes a complex object accepted as parameter or returned as a response. :param str title: schema title :param str description: schema description :param str type: value type; required :param str format: value format, see OpenAPI spec :param list enum: restrict possible values :param str pattern: pattern if type is ``string`` :param dict[str,(.Schema,.SchemaRef)] properties: object properties; required if `type` is ``object`` :param bool,.Schema,.SchemaRef additional_properties: allow wildcard properties not listed in `properties` :param list[str] required: list of requried property names :param .Schema,.SchemaRef items: type of array items, only valid if `type` is ``array`` :param default: only valid when insider another ``Schema``\ 's ``properties``; the default value of this property if it is not provided, must conform to the type of this Schema :param read_only: only valid when insider another ``Schema``\ 's ``properties``; declares the property as read only - it must only be sent as part of responses, never in requests """ super(Schema, self).__init__(**extra) if required is True or required is False: # common error raise AssertionError("the `required` attribute of schema must be an " "array of required property names, not a boolean!") assert type, "type is required!" self.title = title self.description = description self.required = filter_none(required) self.type = type = filter_none(properties) self.additional_properties = additional_properties self.format = format self.enum = enum self.pattern = pattern self.items = items self.read_only = read_only self.default = default self._insert_extras__() if (properties or (additional_properties is not None)) and type != TYPE_OBJECT: raise AssertionError("only object Schema can have properties") if (format or enum or pattern) and type in (TYPE_OBJECT, TYPE_ARRAY): raise AssertionError("[format, enum, pattern] can only be applied to primitive Schema") if items and type != TYPE_ARRAY: raise AssertionError("items can only be used when type is array") if pattern and type != TYPE_STRING: raise AssertionError("pattern can only be used when type is string")
[docs]class _Ref(SwaggerDict): ref_name_re = re.compile(r"#/(?P<scope>.+)/(?P<name>[^/]+)$") def __init__(self, resolver, name, scope, expected_type, ignore_unresolved=False): """Base class for all reference types. A reference object has only one property, ``$ref``, which must be a JSON reference to a valid object in the specification, e.g. ``#/definitions/Article`` to refer to an article model. :param .ReferenceResolver resolver: component resolver which must contain the referneced object :param str name: referenced object name, e.g. "Article" :param str scope: reference scope, e.g. "definitions" :param type[.SwaggerDict] expected_type: the expected type that will be asserted on the object found in resolver :param bool ignore_unresolved: allow the reference to be not defined in resolver """ super(_Ref, self).__init__() assert not type(self) == _Ref, "do not instantiate _Ref directly" ref_name = "#/{scope}/{name}".format(scope=scope, name=name) if not ignore_unresolved: obj = resolver.get(name, scope) assert isinstance(obj, expected_type), ref_name + " is a {actual}, not a {expected}" \ .format(actual=type(obj).__name__, expected=expected_type.__name__) self.ref = ref_name
[docs] def resolve(self, resolver): """Get the object targeted by this reference from the given component resolver. :param .ReferenceResolver resolver: component resolver which must contain the referneced object :returns: the target object """ ref_match = self.ref_name_re.match(self.ref) return resolver.get('name'),'scope'))
def __setitem__(self, key, value, **kwargs): if key == "$ref": return super(_Ref, self).__setitem__(key, value, **kwargs) raise NotImplementedError("only $ref can be set on Reference objects (not %s)" % key) def __delitem__(self, key, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("cannot delete property of Reference object")
[docs]class SchemaRef(_Ref): def __init__(self, resolver, schema_name, ignore_unresolved=False): """Adds a reference to a named Schema defined in the ``#/definitions/`` object. :param .ReferenceResolver resolver: component resolver which must contain the definition :param str schema_name: schema name :param bool ignore_unresolved: allow the reference to be not defined in resolver """ assert SCHEMA_DEFINITIONS in resolver.scopes super(SchemaRef, self).__init__(resolver, schema_name, SCHEMA_DEFINITIONS, Schema, ignore_unresolved)
Schema.OR_REF = (Schema, SchemaRef)
[docs]def resolve_ref(ref_or_obj, resolver): """Resolve `ref_or_obj` if it is a reference type. Return it unchaged if not. :param SwaggerDict,_Ref ref_or_obj: :param resolver: component resolver which must contain the referenced object """ if isinstance(ref_or_obj, _Ref): return ref_or_obj.resolve(resolver) return ref_or_obj
[docs]class Responses(SwaggerDict): def __init__(self, responses, default=None, **extra): """Describes the expected responses of an :class:`.Operation`. :param dict[(str,int),.Response] responses: mapping of status code to response definition :param .Response default: description of the response structure to expect if another status code is returned """ super(Responses, self).__init__(**extra) for status, response in responses.items(): if response is not None: # pragma: no cover self[str(status)] = response self.default = default self._insert_extras__()
[docs]class Response(SwaggerDict): def __init__(self, description, schema=None, examples=None, **extra): """Describes the structure of an operation's response. :param str description: response description :param .Schema,.SchemaRef schema: sturcture of the response body :param dict examples: example bodies mapped by mime type """ super(Response, self).__init__(**extra) self.description = description self.schema = schema self.examples = examples self._insert_extras__()
[docs]class ReferenceResolver(object): """A mapping type intended for storing objects pointed at by Swagger Refs. Provides support and checks for different refernce scopes, e.g. 'definitions'. For example: :: > components = ReferenceResolver('definitions', 'parameters') > definitions = ReferenceResolver.with_scope('definitions') > definitions.set('Article', Schema(...)) > print(components) {'definitions': OrderedDict([('Article', Schema(...)]), 'parameters': OrderedDict()} """ def __init__(self, *scopes): """ :param str scopes: an enumeration of the valid scopes this resolver will contain """ self._objects = OrderedDict() self._force_scope = None for scope in scopes: assert isinstance(scope, str), "scope names must be strings" self._objects[scope] = OrderedDict()
[docs] def with_scope(self, scope): """Return a view into this :class:`.ReferenceResolver` whose scope is defaulted and forced to `scope`. :param str scope: target scope, must be in this resolver's `scopes` :return: the bound resolver :rtype: .ReferenceResolver """ assert scope in self.scopes, "unknown scope %s" % scope ret = ReferenceResolver() ret._objects = self._objects ret._force_scope = scope return ret
[docs] def _check_scope(self, scope): real_scope = self._force_scope or scope if scope is not None: assert not self._force_scope or scope == self._force_scope, "cannot overrride forced scope" assert real_scope and real_scope in self._objects, "invalid scope %s" % scope return real_scope
[docs] def set(self, name, obj, scope=None): """Set an object in the given scope, raise an error if it already exists. :param str name: reference name :param obj: referenced object :param str scope: reference scope """ scope = self._check_scope(scope) assert obj is not None, "referenced objects cannot be None/null" assert name not in self._objects[scope], "#/%s/%s already exists" % (scope, name) self._objects[scope][name] = obj
[docs] def setdefault(self, name, maker, scope=None): """Set an object in the given scope only if it does not exist. :param str name: reference name :param callable maker: object factory, called only if necessary :param str scope: reference scope """ scope = self._check_scope(scope) assert callable(maker), "setdefault expects a callable, not %s" % type(maker).__name__ ret = self.getdefault(name, None, scope) if ret is None: ret = maker() assert ret is not None, "maker returned None; referenced objects cannot be None/null" self.set(name, ret, scope) return ret
[docs] def get(self, name, scope=None): """Get an object from the given scope, raise an error if it does not exist. :param str name: reference name :param str scope: reference scope :return: the object """ scope = self._check_scope(scope) assert name in self._objects[scope], "#/%s/%s is not defined" % (scope, name) return self._objects[scope][name]
[docs] def getdefault(self, name, default=None, scope=None): """Get an object from the given scope or a default value if it does not exist. :param str name: reference name :param default: the default value :param str scope: reference scope :return: the object or `default` """ scope = self._check_scope(scope) return self._objects[scope].get(name, default)
[docs] def has(self, name, scope=None): """Check if an object exists in the given scope. :param str name: reference name :param str scope: reference scope :return: True if the object exists :rtype: bool """ scope = self._check_scope(scope) return name in self._objects[scope]
def __iter__(self): if self._force_scope: return iter(self._objects[self._force_scope]) return iter(self._objects) @property def scopes(self): if self._force_scope: return [self._force_scope] return list(self._objects.keys()) # act as mapping
[docs] def keys(self): if self._force_scope: return self._objects[self._force_scope].keys() return self._objects.keys()
def __getitem__(self, item): if self._force_scope: return self._objects[self._force_scope][item] return self._objects[item] def __str__(self): return str(dict(self))